Local Community
Thumb Butte Distillery is proud to support and partner with our local community organizations!
- The Boys and Girls Club of Central Arizona - https://www.bgccaz.org
- Yavapai Big Brothers and Sisters - https://azbigs.org
- City of Prescott Fire Department - https://www.prescott-az.gov/services/fire/
Professional Organizations
We also support local artists and musicians, who we showcase in our Tasting Room and at Special Events.
Jazz band Cool Azul
Blues Guitar by Hans Olson
The Ping Brothers
Doc Garvey’s Remedy The Cheektones
Wes Willams Band
The Chris Berry and Devil Don Whitchner Electric Duo
And many more to come…
We support many local artists, by utilizing the distillery as a gallery to showcase a variety of works from local artist.
Warren Zager
Tom Peters
Restaurants and Bars
You will find our products at these fine establishments; serving the finest food, best craft cocktails and the smoothest ambiance in Arizona.
Visit them when you are in their neighborhoods.